Stage Crew

What is stage crew?

We have been thinking that it'd be great for us to have a dedicated and trained crew of people to manage tech, stage presence, and other elements of production! These people would be our compliment to venue staff.

This idea is quite young and so we're still sorting out what the scope of this should be

first meeting headings

The first meeting would be outside the standard schedule and it would cover the following:

  • What problems did we specifically encounter during Computer Pop? Management as well as tech!!

  • What other problems can stage crew potentially solve?

  • Which problems do we want to solve first?

  • What tools or systems do we want to maintain?

  • How will we enact training and knowledge sharing for our solutions? This is the most important question!!!


We should definitely document our steps whatever they may be! As of now that is this wiki! We will add in meeting notes, plans and other items here in the future.

tools and items

we should maintain some gear. as well as a list of people who are willing to lend gear

tools proposed by sydney:

  1. a standardized way for visualists to monitor their viz and/or a live camera from onstage

  2. a way to show people an (accurate) set timer

  3. a standard, battle-tested setup for recording audio and video at events, (maybe even including video output from performers computers? Just to be overly ambitious)

  4. An official box of dongles, adapters, and chargers …etc

  5. An official livecode streaming setup

  6. ways to show performer names and/or other graphics on screen between sets

  7. lists of solutions to common onstage problems with SuperCollider

  8. (from Gwen) a means to perpetuate the use and maintenance of the above items